We’re committed to families living with Intellectual and Development Disabilities (IDD) because at HighPointe we are – mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, sisters, brothers, cousins, friends, and family members – of men and women living with IDDs. We exist because we’ve been where you are, and we’re here to provide lifelong support to you and your family through our high-quality programming and services, including our newly launched Special Programs.

Greater independence, self-sufficiency, positive engagement and meaningful growth are the cornerstones of our Special Programs at HighPointe. These programs, including HighPointe Enterprises and Exceptional Expeditions, are a way for members of our IDD Community to share in not only the mental and physical challenges our programs provide, but also the overwhelming sense of accomplishment they gain. A bond much deeper than friendship develops from this – a true fellowship is born!

Our Special Programs are available to HighPointe clients AND members of our larger IDD Community. Because supporting men and women living with IDDs – as they become the best version of themselves – provides the greatest benefit to ALL!

Get Involved Today!

We exist so families living with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities will NEVER be alone. We exist as a partner for life!

With your support – through financial and in-kind donations, volunteer time and community connections – we’ll continue to exist!