We exist.
So families living with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities will NEVER be alone.
What does this mean? While other program and service providers are focused on research, large-scale events
and uncertain housing options, HighPointe continues to focus on the EVERYDAY NEEDS of our community.
As the Facts and Figures section below highlights – our community faces overwhelming obstacles and the challenge
of making healthcare decisions for 70-years. Who can these families turn to? HighPointe.
We exist on the front-lines, providing the highest quality care through thoughtful programs, services, education and resources.
And, we will continue to exist with your support. Change the life of a family in our community TODAY!
Facts and Figures

200 Million people worldwide live with an Intellectual or Developmental Disability.

1 in 10 Americans have a direct connection to someone living with an Intellectual or Developmental Disability.

Average length of long-term care for a person living with an Intellectual or Developmental Disability is 70-years, as compared to 2-years in the typical population.

The family of someone living with an Intellectual or Developmental Disability will provide 500,000 unpaid hours of care.

Quality of life is severely impacted for the family of someone living with an Intellectual or Developmental Disability, including health, career, financial well-being, and leisure time.

Intellectual and Development Disabilities are permanent there is no cure.
Open, Honest and Thoughtful Conversations.
We exist to provide resources for families living with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities,
and to educate the communities around them.
At HighPointe, we know what it’s like to walk this road, feeling unsure, alone, frustrated and scared. We know what it’s like
to need help and support. We’ll be here every step of the way – your partner for life!
We’re encouraging open, honest and thoughtful conversations about living with IDDs and the challenges families face,
so please let us know how we can make this new section of our website even more valuable!
Our Big Why
Pursue Personal Growth
Our Big Why began years before we even knew it, while Kim and I soared 30,000 feet above the South Atlantic Ocean. We’d been in South Africa on a humanitarian mission and were returning home to Colorado, excited by the thought of starting our own family. When our son Austin was conceived, Kim and I were thrilled. We planned on returning to our mission work – with our son in-tow – to continue what we’d started. However, just weeks after Austin’s arrival, we learned he had severe developmental disabilities and that God had a much different path laid out for us.
We threw ourselves into caring for Austin, and making sure he had everything he needed to live the best life possible. When he was younger, it was much easier – the public school system provided education and learning opportunities, daily oversight and care, public outings, and so much more. But once Austin was done with school and considered an “adult,” those programs and services were no longer available to us.
We looked into Adult Day Programs in our area and found our options were limited. Did we trust these programs to care for our son as we would? Would he have opportunities for public outings and socializing with peers? With these and many other questions weighing on us, Kim and I came to a decision – we’d open our own program for adults just like Austin. Today, we continue our mission of serving this ever-growing population, with just as much commitment and enthusiasm, as we had the day we opened our doors. We built HighPointe Services on a solid foundation of compliance, integrity and compassion. And, we are committed to:
- Caring for our clients and their families just as we would want to be cared for.
- Treating our employees, donors and community members with respect and dignity.
- Doing the right thing, ALL the time.
- Unleashing human potential for good.
- Being accountable to ourselves, our clients and our communities.
Although Austin is no longer with us, HighPointe Services continues to exist. We exist to help men and women who live with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) gain greater independence and self-sufficiency. We exist to help our clients achieve more connection, more influence and more meaningful ways to live. We exist so families living with IDD will NEVER be alone.