Residential Services

The HighPointe Services Residential Services Division assists our clients in securing the most appropriate and safe shared living setting. When a client becomes eligible for state funded residential services, also known as the Comprehensive Care waiver, one of the first decisions to make is the type of shared living arrangement they prefer. 

Residential Setting Options

Our residential services are structured to provide two basic settings for our clients. Shared living arrangements allow the parents and family to be an integral part of the decision-making process while their loved one receives the care needed from a provider. We emphasize a collaborative approach so that families work closely with providers to determine the best care for their loved one and maintain a visitation schedule that works for everyone.

Family Caregiver

Family Caregiver settings are a popular option for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities who prefer to remain in their home supported by a family member. 

Shared Living Arrangements

Shared living homes, also known as Host Homes, are an alternative to living with family members. Clients are placed in a loving home who provide daily care and support services to adults with disabilities in a comfortable family living environment.

Before an adult with developmental disabilities is placed in a Shared Living home, a HighPointe Services registered nurse and residential coordinator assess that person’s needs to make sure they are placed in an environment that is appropriate to their specific needs.
Shared living providers undergo an assessment that includes rigorous reference checks, finger printing and home inspection. Shared living providers also receive training and have visits from a registered nurse to ensure the services the provider delivers create an appropriate comfort level for the person with developmental disabilities.

Once an adult with developmental disabilities receives the proper placement via this service, a HighPointe Services residential coordinator and a registered nurse provide strategic support to the provider.

Next Steps

Once our clients decide on which living setting is best, the HighPointe Services Residential Team will meet with the client and his or her support team to discuss the process in more detail and answer all questions in a thorough and easy to understand manner.