Our Commitment to Excellence

The HighPointe Services Residential Team has built a strong reputation for excellence. We are committed to being one of the best support agencies in the state, and our clients will attest to our performance. HighPointe Services shared living services are licensed and certified by the state of Colorado.

Our commitment is demonstrated in the following manner:

Unmatched Support

Shared Living Host Home and Family Caregiver providers are HighPointe Services independent contractors and as such will receive in-depth training and support. Our support for our providers is unmatched. We work very closely with our residential providers to ensure that they comply with state and federal guidelines. Many agencies take a hands-off approach which leaves the clients exposed to possible negative experiences. Our HighPointe Services team is in continual contact with our clients and their providers, providing guidance and encouragement for the providers and safety and enhanced living experiences for our clients.

Best Pay Rates

We believe that residential providers, be they family members or share host home providers, deserve to be paid at the highest level possible. HighPointe Services was established as a non-profit organization so we would not be conflicted by trying to make a high profit at the expense of our providers being paid at a rate they deserve. Many residential management agencies charge excessive fees, hoping the providers will not notice. We have noticed and we believe it is inappropriate.

With HighPointe you will be paid in a transparent and fair manner.
If you are interested in becoming a residential provider, please contact us
 for more information.