Community Services

HighPointe Services is proud to offer programs focusing on community exploration, personal growth skills training and social clubs for adults with disabilities in Colorado. Take time to learn more about the three areas you can participate in our programs.

Personal Growth Services

Traditionally when an individual with an intellectual or developmental disability completes their formal schooling at age 21, they enter the world of adult day services. While these programs can certainly be beneficial, too often they are reduced to a loose gathering of people in hopes of developing friendships, with little focus on personal growth.  
At HighPointe we believe all our clients deserve the opportunity to Pursue Personal Growth for their entire lives, not stopping when school ends. Our services focus on doing what is best for you, not just what is convenient for us. Our long-term planning services will direct our efforts to your benefit.

Our Services are implemented through the HighPointe Services adult day support program offering two convenient Colorado Front Range locations in Centennial and Fort Collins. Our program offers a unique emphasis on educational and community-based classes, which makes it stand out among other day support programs. Each quarter, participants enjoy the opportunity to create their own personalized curriculum, choosing from a catalog of classes, outings, and activities that meet a wide variety of interests.

Program participants look forward to a six-hour program day Monday through Friday that involves a facility-based activities in our wonderful facilities and daily trips to a variety of community settings including shopping centers, recreation facilities, fitness centers, museums, parks, and so much more.

Outdoor Adventures

Is an outdoor adventure and leadership program designed to engage individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in outdoor settings.

Coming Soon...

Social Clubs

Might be for you if you're looking for an evening and weekend social activity program. The recreation program includes fun activities for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities of all ages. The activities take place at the HighPointe Center flagship center in Centennial.